Trade piece done for theNightFell of her character, Recon. I had a lot of fun with inks on here, since this gave me the excuse to go and purchase my first ever art marker, yahoo! I also used my black brush pen generously......oh, it will be a sad, sad day when that thing dies. Anyhow, it was mentioned that the character might fit the whole post-apocalyptic look. I will admit now that I had to look it up to see just what kind of style that was. I guess I didn't realize that Terminator could be considered part of that bracket, but it makes sense now.
Recon belongs to theNightFell. Remember children, no stealing! You don't want to make me release the ninjas.
Alright, I now have a question for you artsy people. Yes, I'm looking at you. When you are suffering from a lack of artistic inspiration, what do you do? What helps get your juices flowing again? Suffice it to say that I have been dealing with a great amount of stress lately, and it has been doing a good job of killing my muse. I am usually inspired by the beauty of the outdoors, by good music, by the random things I see like striking swatches of color or fun geometric designs. I still notice those things, but somehow they haven't been translating to the energy to draw. It could be that I've been overdoing things for a while and am suffering from prolonged burnout, but I thought I'd see what other folks do when they hit a road block like this.