Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sebelle sketch

I've been dealing with a lot of things lately and it's been killing my ability to write. Thankfully I can still do some sketching. My scanner did a hack job on this one. Whatever.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Netherworld card

Behold, a location card!

Card Line Art Batch 3

Yes, it's true! I cannot draw human faces well. Now you know why you don't see them very much on my blog.

One of these images is a remake of a card I did earlier and wasn't totally satisfied with.

Card Line Art Batch 2

I'm having a lot of fun with this project. It's proving to be a great way for me to challenge myself and push my limits with my drawing abilities.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Denlupis card

How appropriate that I would complete this card on a night with thunderstorms.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hanedoe Card

Fun fact: In nearly twelve years of writing my fantasy series, I have never drawn this character. Not once. It is such a pleasure to finally have the skill and inspiration to draw her correctly.

Drawn while listening to Tiesto's In Search of Sunrise 7: Asia. In particular, the track "Wasted" seemed to fit my mood for this piece. Done in Gimp.......I need to reload Krita on my machine.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blayde card

Another one. Hey, I already had the image art done.

YES, yes, I know. I'm going to bed.

Stellia Card

Dangit, Gimp! Why do you keep getting rid of the fonts I like?? I thought we were still friends?

Hmph. Jerk.

Here's the first of the line art cards! I've stopped putting so much detail into the text, as the format of these will change somewhat when I prepare the files for printing at some unknown point in time.

This character is actually one of my favorites, even though she's only appeared in a short story, to date.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Card Line Art - Batch 1

When you were a kid, did you ever take a super ball and throw it really hard to see how crazy fast it could bounce off of everything? Well, yesterday I was that little ball. My new scanner came! The old one is now so old that it is obsolete, at least with my current laptop (sad day)

With the addition of my new scanner to the family, I can finally upload high quality sketches and line art! Yaaaay!!!!

So, here is the first batch of line art for the trading cards I have been working on. I will be limiting these to groups of twelve or less when uploading, as I tend to get annoyed with photo strips that extend from here to tomorrow. I've been drawing these six to a sheet, so the proportions aren't perfect. That will get addressed after I color the images.

This has been a really good opportunity for me to illustrate some of the concepts from my books. See anything you recognize?

If you have a specific card you would like to see from the series, feel free to say so here! I still have quite a few of these in the works and am terribly excited to get going on coloring them :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The computer ..... she LIVES!!!

Hello any and all readers. I am very relieved to say that after some serious problems, my computer is back up and running! Yay! All thanks (and there's plenty of it) goes to my incredible dad for fixing my art- and writing-machine. Thanks Dad!

I'm still working on re-installing the programs I normally use for art projects, but I'm hoping to have another art post up soon. I have been working on more trading cards and am dying to get the results uploaded and colored. And hopefully, I don't have to dismantle another laptop to clean out the dust and grit that's bothering it :/ Bleh.

If you will excuse me, I need to go track down the software for my scanner......