Greetings, all. Things have been very busy in my corner of the world. Between lots of work and personal struggles, I have been doing everything I can to complete the revision process for The Rebirth Trilogy.
Cut the chatter, onto the art work! Below is my current WIP for one of the cover pieces I'm working on. I would very much appreciate some feedback on this piece :) The marching figures are indistinct because I turned up the opacity for full so that their color is fully visible. I have been turning opacity of each layer down to around 35% and coloring over the top of the "guide" layer, since just making the guide transparent was a mess. Any odd white/gray patches sticking out are visible portions of the guide layer and will be erased.
What I am looking for: Critique on the lighting of this piece, first and foremost. I am also open to critique on the positioning of figures featured on the cover. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome! If you hate it, I would appreciate it if you tell me why, as that is far more helpful than just saying, "This sucks."
I have uploaded the image in all it's huge glory so that details may be more easily viewed.
Thank you in advance!