Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Art dump

Time for an art update! I don't have internet at home right now, and it's really hit and miss as to when I can get a good connection that lets me create blog posts. So, here are a few pieces of my recent artwork:

This first piece is a character portrait of a Laiuna (dragon man) named L'ubax. L'ubax features in my current writing project, Wayside Tales. I was very pleased with how well this turned out. Done in Micron pen, brush pen, and colored pencil.

This second picture is a sketch I did of one of the gods from the Legends of Destiny series. I'm hoping to update my art programs so that I can go in and add some color to this in the future. Done in ballpoint pen.

The third image is a piece of fanart I did of two characters from fellow author S. A. Thorup's Legend of Draconite series. This was more of a warm-up piece for me to get back into the swing of things with colored pencils, and it's not my best work, but I still enjoyed drawing it. This is my take on the emotion that one of the characters must have felt when dealing with a very difficult choice. The character on the right, who is holding her, is quite possibly my favorite character in Thorup's entire Chronicles of Libera series.

I do not own these characters - only the artwork. Characters and Legend of Draconite are copyright Sarah Bailey.

1 comment:

  1. Looking great, so happy to see more work from you! (:
