Well, here it is. I tried something a little different with some of the clouds, which turned out to be very helpful. When you select the Smudge tool in Gimp's toolbox, try clicking on the option "Apply Jitter". It's actually nice for blending colors at the same time you smudge.
Ended up moving the head back and shortening the neck just a little bit. It was sticking out far enough that it was bugging me, since these creatures are not supposed to have super long necks, which unfortunately is how I draw them. Talk about a conflicting idea!
I'm not sure if I'm happy with the shine on that sword or not. In hindsight, I think that focusing the bright light more so that it was shining down the center of the blade would have been good, but never mind. I've done enough on this one.
I tried to record most of the coloring process, so I'll see whether or not the software wants to play nice and give me a video to post. No promises :\