So you may remember this. Yes, I got some very helpful pointers on it.......but let's be honest. I was not happy with it. The pose of the creature felt too flat to me, like some giant shoe had come and stomped it into the page.
Yeah. Not what I wanted when I started working on it. But I'm not about to just flush it down the toilet without getting what I want! Hence, this new thumbnail. May I say this is MUCH more what I had in mind. I think I'd like to take it to the next critique group and see what kinds of suggestions I can get from others before moving to the inking stage. Not that I think it's horrible at this stage. Like I said, I am a lot happier with my newest try.
Alright, so I went and found me a nice ref pic of gold, then shrank it down to get a pixel palette out of it. Boy, let me tell you, I was way off on the whole gold thing. I was a little shocked at just how much orange is actually up in your face when viewing gold. It looked too vibrant when I started painting it into this picture, but once I got a few different shades down, I realized just how much better it looked than my previous brassy-hued attempts. Kudos again to Nasan for suggesting that method of picking colors.
Hey, they look like gold now! Nice thinking with using a pixel pallete to simplify and find colors for them. I hadn't thought of using it in that way yet. Cool idea!