Friday, July 16, 2010


So I wanted to do this image partly to play with clouds. They turned out alright, but I need to work on some of my lighting.

I had a lot of fun here, especially because this was a good learning opportunity for me with different brush dynamics and line weights. I also discovered that coloring something that's white is more fun than I thought it would be. I like being able to incorporate so much color and still have it look good. The shadowing was a little difficult, but after convincing myself that it was okay to press harder with my tablet pen and get a darker shade, I think it came out good.

This character belongs to Sarah Thorup and is posted here with her permission. The blue scale detail is supposed to go across all of the white on her, but I was worried that trying to do that would make it look messy at the size I drew it, so I opted to do a partial thing where the blue would only be shown off at certain angles, kind of like a pearlescent effect.


  1. This picture turned out really neat! Clouds can be hard to do because they're so complex. Deepening shadows on clouds like these could help give them more depth, but the lighting in this picture looks right ^^

  2. Thanks. Yeah I noticed that there could be a darker coloring on the clouds after I'd finished it, too. I'm considering trying to put together a tutorial on clouds, but we'll see.

  3. Personally, I really liked the clouds. I mean, they aren't photo real, but I like stylized look of them and the way they lighting on the bottom is a tad warmer/yellower. Or at least, that's how it looks. (Might be cool to add some warmer shades to the dragon as well, the color of a shadow is the opposite of it's light source and all that.)
    The best thing about clouds is that there is really no wrong way to do them really. I mean, the form of a cloud can vary so much, long and wispy, chubby and rounded, heavy and flat bottomed. Yeah, I could go on and on. And like you said, when working with white you don't have to be afraid to use all the colors. With clouds too, they can reflect any color in the spectrum, depending on the effect/time of day you want to depict. Sorry, I guess I'm in a rambling mood. :}

  4. This is true about clouds! I love watching them to see what colors and textures show up.

    I did actually add a little yellow on certain sides of the scales, but I think I did it so light that when I shrank the image to post it here, that detail was lost.
