Friday, October 15, 2010


The latest distraction. Uber fire color fail - mayhaps I need to study some fire references :/ Why must you elude me, fire, WHY?!?!?!

This is just a thumbnail of a rough sketch, so that's why it looks crappy. Two hours down the drain.....I am so stupid for staying up this late. I'm going to BED.


  1. RAWR dragonz eat uber angry dark elf.

    Did you use any gradients for the fire? I've used gradients and they seem to work nicely. Here's a tutorial I referred to:

  2. Hey thanks. No, I didn't use any gradients here. It was strictly picking & painting with various colors. I think that part of the problem is the colors I was choosing weren't vibrant enough, so they just look washed out :)
