Friday, October 1, 2010


Just a little something I'm working on. I had finished this image several months ago, then decided that I wasn't happy with some of the lighting. I've been meaning to get to it for a while and today I finally did. I have to say, I'm having a lot of fun with it, now that I know a few new tricks to try :)

The top screenshot is of the version I'm currently working with. The bottom one is what the former coloring looked like with the intended background. See how the lighting on the gray wyvern just isn't working that well? It looks like he got kool-aid or something splashed on him.

The entire image will be used as a book cover for my current writing project, so I want it to be as spiffy as it can. And let me tell you, I lurvs the dark lighting with bright splashes of color!


  1. Yeah, I really like you revised one better, though the background of the other is cool, the higher contrast really makes the details pop! Very sweet.

  2. I did keep the red background, since it looked very striking :) I'll post an image of the finished cover when I'm closer to publishing the book.

    And thanks!
