Monday, November 1, 2010

Gan-Do-Gan sketches/Ouch

Just some rough sketches for one of the more bizarre critters in the books. They're a bird/centaur thing that has been kind of challenging to figure out how they work. For instance, how does enough air get into the lungs of such a creature, seeing as how it has two sets of lungs?? And how does enough blood circulate between the wings, legs, and brain of a creature when it's running or in flight? I'd like to do so me more of these, but I'm going to have to wait until I have more energy.


So I didn't have the proper skill to make it into the art challenge at alphabeastiary, apparently. I'll live, but I'm still confused about what desirable points my art is lacking, especially when you look at some of the other pieces that artists have submitted on there and the quality they have. I have to say I feel pretty stung right now, and I'm reminded why I'm not an art major - because I apparently have no clue what people consider good art, seeing as how half the stuff I run across that people applaud and rave about, I'm thinking, "Are you kidding me? I know fourth-graders that could do a better job than that!" or "Well that's just hideous."

Plus, I was encouraged to submit my entry to the DeviantArt group, the one place I will/can never go to again :( :( :( I appreciate that encouragement (and their kind words about my art) but I'm still just feeling very confused and kind of put out now.

Well, whatever, I'll just go cauterize my wounds for a while, I suppose. At least now I have more reason to work on my own creature sketches. And hey, life's not fair, and I can always do the challenge on my own.


  1. I kinda have the same thing going on with the centaurs in my Libera books XD they have like two sets of every organ because their composition. I need to write more about them someday.

    That is rather bizarre your beautiful piece didn't make it in, especially after looking at some of the other pieces on there. Hey, if you like your art, and it expresses what you want, I think that's what's really important (I enjoy your art, if that's any consolation XD). It is nice to get pointers from others though, even if it is stinging.

  2. Yeah at some point I'd like to do some kind of reference for the internal anatomy of the Gan-Do-Gan, since I can kind of visualize it in my head.

    And thank you, it does mean a lot to me. I just needed to vent :) Especially since they DIDN'T give me pointers, they just wrote me off. Tha noive!
