I've been hearing Christmas music recently on the radio.......Now seriously, we're not even halfway through November. Is it such a wonder why I'm depressed that the holidays are coming at the end of each year? I like Christmas and snow and seeing family (and especially New Year's!) but having the holiday shopping craze and jingley music shoved down my throat for nigh two months can be very wearing. Sigh.
Well anyway, this comic marks the digital debut of Devil and Angel, the duo that expresses so many of my thoughts and reactions to situations in life. (Hey, almost sounds like I know what I'm talking about, doesn't it?) I wouldn't mind getting more of them online at some point. Enjoy!
Haha seriously! FM 100.3 started playing Christmas music this month; WAY too early! Although it was gratifying to hear the Hallelujah Chorus this morning on the way to school hehe. Now if they would just play Enya....