(NOTE: This is more of a technical blog post for my personal reference, and not so much an art post. Thanks!)
For the sake of reference, I decided to put together a price sheet to help me with any future commissions I might have the chance to do. Feel free to toss in your thoughts on this, as the design is a work in progress. And for the sake of further reference, I've been working out some Terms of Service, as follows:
WORK PROCESS-Payment is required in full before I will start work on your image. I prefer Paypal, but can accept money orders or checks. Please be aware that I cannot start work until your check has cleared. If you are sending your payment via Paypal, I would prefer it if you send it as a “payment of services” for digital commissions, or “payment of goods” for traditional commissions. I ask this because it offers more protection for both you, the commissioner, and for myself.
-Digitally drawn and colored artwork will have a rough sketch sent to you for approval before work proceeds to the inking and coloring stages. Badges will not have this approval stage and are considered “as is”.
-Once I have received the details for your image (references, written description, etc.) I will work from those details. If you change your mind on something while I am partway through your piece, you can certainly let me know that something needs to be changed - I can usually do minor tweaks like making a muzzle longer or shorter, but be aware that there will be an extra charge of $5 every time you need to make a MAJOR change (like adding wings or making your character a wolf instead of a griffon, something big like that). If however you receive the final image and there is an error on my behalf (ex. “You made my character hot pink and they are supposed to be baby blue!”) I will fix said error with no charge.
-I make it a point to get artwork done in a timely manner. Time of turnaround can vary, but work is normally completed anywhere from 48 hours up to one week of payment. Depending on my work schedule, it may take up to three weeks to complete an art piece, though this is uncommon. This is part of why my work availability is limited at any given time to only a few slots. If for some reason there will be a delay on my end, I will notify you as soon as possible to apprise you of the situation.
-Traditional media badges will be laminated and mailed out upon completion. In order to do this, I'll need a valid mailing from you, so be prepared! Both digital and traditional art requires a working email address where I can contact you.
-Understand that while you retain ownership of your characters, I still own the copyright to the original artwork. As such, I retain the right to repost the image on my art blog and keep it in my personal portfolio at my discretion. If you would prefer that your commission not be posted to my blog, please clearly state this during consultation.
-I would ask that if you repost an image I’ve drawn for you, you credit me as the original artist. I’m fine if you do something like coloring linework I created for you, but I would ask that you do NOT alter the linework. If there’s something that needs to be changed, it’s up to you to let me know at the sketch stage.
-I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason. If you have already paid me and I am required to cancel the job before beginning work, you will be refunded in full and notified of what has happened. If for some reason you’ve had something come up and would no longer like the commission, please talk to me about it. If you’ve already paid me and I have started work on your piece, I will keep a portion of the cost to cover what I have done and refund the remaining amount to you.
-Due to legal restrictions, I won't draw copyrighted characters (Lion King, Pokemon, etc.) I WILL NOT draw any mature material, including violent, gory or suggestive pieces. I prefer to keep the rating of my art at G, perhaps PG at the extreme highest. I also cannot draw anything of a homosexual nature, for personal reasons. If you’re unsure if I will draw something or not, or if you're interested in something not listed here, feel free to ask me about it :)
-Please be aware that any reference images you ask me to work from should be kept in the bounds of "Safe For Work".
-By commissioning me, you agree to these terms. Terms are subject to change.
And for even more reference, here's my work availability (slots):
1. "Woman of Virtue" - Inking