Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, 2011 came in snowy and cold, and I'm glad that I now have Spring to look forward to. There's something rejuvenating and calming to me about the first four or five months of the year.

Anyway, I wanted to stick something really cool on here for New Year's Day, but the picture I'm working on isn't ready yet. I tried to do something else that was spiffy, but it didn't work out, either. So, I now present you with my latest masterpiece, complete with erm.....bragging ;) I know, I know, I'm so talented, aren't I?

(If you're only interested in the artsy stuff, you can stop reading here)

Man I have been so tired lately. I've tried vitamins, iron supplements, different amounts of sleep, and I am always tired. It's kind of discouraging when you want to do so many things and you can't because you're feeling drained, especially when you don't know why. Some days are better than others, thankfully. My mom is pretty convinced I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. At this point, I wouldn't doubt it, but I don't know for sure. I just felt I had to whine a little, since there's so much I'd like to be doing artistically and with my writing .... seriously, I am so behind on the current book. It's going to be a battle to get it done, but I'm far from giving up, huzzah!

I was very fortunate to get some soap making supplies for Christmas, too. I'm looking forward to trying them out (I love making things with my hands) but I need to get some kitchen equipment, first. I'll post a picture as soon as I get an end result, but in the meantime, I hope everyone has had a happy and safe New Year. Here's to another 365 days full of family, friends, personal growth and, of course, fun!

1 comment:

  1. Your 2-minute clouds are beautiful hehe. There are some pictures I need to finish myself, and I hope I finish them all -.-

    Regular exercise can give you more energy and it makes you feel really good about yourself. Charles Atlas (dynamic tension) exercises are really easy and really build up your muscles if you find you don't have a lot of time on your hands.

    I deleted the first comment because I wanted to make a correction to it XD
